Monday, October 24, 2011

Finding Inspiration

I really need to debut the two new photographic rolls. I'm getting extremely anxious for taking new pictures. There are some lack of occasions, despite knowing that, deep down, all the moments are good for taking pictures: you just have to have the passion for shooting every single thing with glow. But with this weather I do not feel like going out and leave my warm orange blanket and my fluffy wool socks. What a lazy girl, Maria!

Not to mention the full-of-tests-week I'm going to have, starting with tomorrow. I spent the whole afternoon studying in Filipa's place, today. We worked really hard! I believe we know everything. I just hope our intelligence decides to appear tomorrow in the Hour of the Truth.

It's gonna be fine.

I'll let you know how it went and, later, when I get the grade, I'll post it in here (:

It is all, for now. I'll leave you with some more pictures of my own.

Lots of love, Maria.