This time I want to talk to you about my second family. Yes, I've got another one. Obviously with another and different meaning but with a huge amount of affection for have welcomed me for a week in their house and for have given me the opportunity to learn and to live with them and for have left me enter in their hearts so easily.
They're far away and it's a long while since the last time I saw them. They're from Netherlands and it all happened because there was this European club in my school which allowed us to travel to one country so we could live there for a week, with a family, and learn their customs and way of living. I've always loved that kind of things so I and some other friends signed up. In May of that year, we all (students and teachers) caught the plain to Netherlands and spent an UNFORGETTABLE week with each of the foreign students who signed up for that project as well.
(I was 13 years old)
(everyone has got one of these :p)
When we arrived to the school where we were going to meet the foreign students, we were incredibly excited. I still remember the feeling of seeing Maud for the first time. It was like: OMG!
All this to write you the last letter I wrote to them: to my family, after a long while without any contact.
(Me, Maud and Tim, her little brother)
"Dear family,
We haven't spoken to each other for so long! I miss having news from you. I'm not used to that, unlike all of the other portuguese people who lost the contact with their dutch families a long while ago. This is what I always loved about us: we had a connection that no one else had. We were a family and as so, we naturally kept the contact. I don't want to lose it now. Please, lets not lose it!
I saw some pictures of you on Maud's facebook in your Summer trip to Africa and I got amazed. Except Tim, who was inrecognizable and so different (a good and mature different), you look exactly the same: seems like the time stoped for you! Christina, you look gorgeous ans so bright!, Hans, the time definetely freezed for you! So young and just like I remember. Maud, you're beautiful, girl! Tim, as I said, I was not able to recognize you! You're so huge! I was not expecting so many changes on you, boy!
And most important of all, you all look so happy! That's just what I needed to know.
I've got some news, myself. Guess what: I'm a senior this year! Last year in school and then, well, I'll go to College.
As a senior, there are some cool things I should worry about: the prom and the senior trip. But the times are hardand it is not possible to have everything. I already went to Scotland this summer and so, I'm not sure I'll be able to go to Andorram where all my friends are going. I'll have to pay it myself if I really want to go, which is ok, because I've got some money I earned by working in Filipa's restaurant in August.
And about the prom, that's just another problem. The dress will certainly cost a lot and I haven't a date so far, which is humiliating.
All that are things I'm sure I'll survive without and I am happy, as well. I'm working hard to get the best grades I can in this year's exames.
I found a new passion: fotography. I've been takinh so many pictures, you can't even imagine!
The machine I use is an old one from my dad, who loved fotography as well. And so, the machine is analogical, which is so much funny! I really love it. I send you the one I love the most.
I really miss you. You were one of the most interesting things that happened to me.
My mom,dad, Carlos and Zé send regards to you.
Lots of love, Maria. "
Sorry to make you read all this. But I really felt like sharing this personal think with you.
I leave here some more pictures. Hope you like it. Lots of love

thanks for your comments <3
ReplyDeleteyou are stunning.
Bethany from Snakes Nest
I'm waiting for a next post, Mia! :)
ReplyDeletelove you *