Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Friday Night

That's Joana, Cláudio (the birthday boy), Rita, Filipa and Me.

And that is us, mimicking Mariana's faces at the most pictures

Me, drawing something with the "party glasses"

        And here I'm probabily realizing that what I drew had nothing to do with what I was told to draw.

The present from the guys to Cláudio was a pair of socks because he plays football now and because they wanted him to wear them at football contest of the school. Macho's stuff, who cares?

(GOD! I look so fat in this picture!) And now, it's the girl's present to Cláudio. 
Basically we decided to create this "treasure hunt" to his present. And first we gave him this lined box (I spent the entire afternoon doing that!) with papers and rocks and PVC on the inside so he could find just an envelope with something written: he had to call a number and follow the sound of the ring tone to find the next clue.

It was in the kitchen: a map with another envelope. On the map, I made a red circle around Andorra, their destiny in the senior trip. And the clue was that we wanted to help him packing, so he had to go and find our present in his wardrobe.

And ta-daaa! Snow pants! 

In a 18 years old party, they could not stop playing 10 years old boy's games! Un-be-lie-va-ble.


Oh, and this is Mariana Duque. I've never post any picture of her before or talked about her very much. So, I want to do that now: She's been my friend for a while, and she's the funniest, brightest and the most charming girl ever. I truly love her.

until the next time, Maria  xoxo

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