Saturday, December 10, 2011

VOZ or VOICE - Lead up

That's me: painted face, girlcat wanna-be, and hoping that our list/party wins this thing, otherwise I am able to jump off the bridge.

("Believe in real Powers: your Voice!" This is one of the slogans)

(We worked SO very hard during several days in this month)


(And this is Tomás, the painted boy. He's a joke, a total comical person!)

(Joana Margarida, one of my BEST GIRLFRIENDS)

(Rui Pedro, this Huge and silly friend of mine)

(This is Marta, painting my face)

And all of us in the last night before the first day of campaigning - Thursday.

We used to gather in Sara's garage (because her house is very close to our school) to prepare those strips with our list/party's name, the slogans, some T-shirts, some campaign gifts, anti-stress balls and so on.

The campaign started on Friday, so on Thursday night we all went there, finished everything we could, had dinner and then went to the school to save the best places and the best spots to hang everything before the other list/party  (I never know how to call it!) to come and get the best spots. 

But, as the first day of campaigning would only begin on Friday, we were only allowed to post it all by midnight! As such, many of us sat around the school until that time, to prevent that people from the other list/party occupy the best places. My mom didn't let me stay that late in the school, so I came home by ten o'clock.

We have been having such a great time all together and it has been lovely and SO pleasant to work with everyone!
I really hope that all our efforts bear fruit.

Love you all xxxx

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